Think about the most beautiful places on earth: Maui, Tahiti, The Bahamas,The French Riviera etc.
Now imagine a place a thousand times better and beautiful because of the fact that God himself carefully created it for Adam and Eve….Garden of Eden.
Adam and Eve… well we can’t be too hard on them, because we would have messed up too. Ever since this original sin, we’ve all sinned. Sin is breaking God’s laws, and the Bible says that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23). In fact , we were born into sin.(Psalm 51:5).
We inherited a sinful nature from Adam. From the moment we step into the world, our natural tendency is to shake our fists at our Creator and say, “I don’t want to follow your rules. Leave me alone!” LOL.
That’s not only foolish of us, it’s downright wicked! Being just and holy,God could have chosen to destroy us. He could have thought, You know what? These people aren’t worth my time. I made them and gave them everything they need, and now they’re rebelling against me. Time to wipe them out. POW and that would be it!
But God didn’t do that! Rather than react in angry justice, God chose to show us undeserved love and mercy by providing a path of salvation. He did that by sending his perfect Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins.
Let’s be thankful and Praise the name of the Lord that he gave us exactly what we needed, not what we deserved! I wouldn’t have made this day to send this post anyway😅
I have a question, does it make sense to reject a solution (Jesus Christ) God presented to us for the problem we created?!! Adam…We?! LOL
Think about this and do the needful. Read Ephesians 2:1-10, it would become clear to you what God has done for us through Christ.
Thank You
Warm Regards
HIS daughter
John 1:12
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