Saturday, August 7, 2021


 Values ALL Human Life...

A TRUE hero for GOD values ALL human Life.

It took only two generations of human existence for the first murder to be committed after we inherited our sinful nature from Adam. Shocking... right?! But if you know anything about sin, it's actually not surprising. Sin is wickedly deceitful. Anger and unkind thoughts, for instance, can quickly turn into something much worse if left unchecked. 

Let's take a look at the tragic story of Cain and Abel. Abel had so much promise, so much to live for. Sin was changing the world around him for the worse, but he took a stand of righteousness.  Having trusted in his Creator, he chose to follow God rather than live as he pleased. Then, in one swift act of fury, Cain took his life. Cain's terrible deed was an attack on God's image. 

The Bible says all humans are created in God's image. Genesis 1:27 That makes us different from anything else God created. Other mammals, birds, and fish weren't created in God's image. Neither were trees or mountains or nature...only people. To be made in God's image means to be like God. That doesn't mean we're identical to God. He is holy, all-knowing, all-powerful, and present everywhere. We are not. But we share certain characteristics. Like God, we can speak, reason, love, and show creativity. (this world wey we dey, e hard gan o, na only God fit help o, lol) Translation: In the world we live in today, it is very hard, But by the grace/ help of God(Holy Spirit) we can. 

If we humbly turn from our sinful nature through faith, God will help us. This is actually also living as a true hero for God. As God's image bearers, we represent God and are more special to him than anything else he created. Can you now understand why what Cain did was so terrible? Abel, like you and I, was God's image bearer, and Cain destroyed him.

Knowing that we are made in God's image should affect how we treat others. A true hero for God values all human life because humans are God's representatives. If you treat someone badly, you are attacking God's image. One way or the other we have all attacked God's image in the way we treat each other.

Game Plan: Acknowledge the fact that you have attacked God's image one way or the other numerous times

Ask for forgiveness

Act: begin to honor God in all human life. The world will be a better one! thoughts re: Game Plan. It would be nice to read from you all. Please leave your thoughts in the comment box.

Thank You

Warm Regards

HIS daughter

John 1:12


 Values ALL Human Life... A TRUE hero for GOD values ALL human Life. It took only two generations of human existence for the first murder to...