Saturday, January 23, 2021

Breakfast with JESUS...John 21:12

The Lord revealed John 21:12 to one of my sisters on the eve of Christmas (2020) amongst a group of other wonderful sisters in Christ. It was right on time to pray to have breakfast with Jesus on His Birthday. We prayed earnestly to have an intimate encounter with Jesus on Christmas Morning. I heard in my spirit...few minutes to 5am meet me for breakfast. I was super excited and set my alarm to wake me up at 4.40am to prepare for breakfast with Jesus!. 
I think I hear you saying, "how did it go?" 😊 
I'd summarize it....great feeling, worship and the word. 

John 21:12-16
12 Now come and have some breakfast! Jesus said; and none of us dared ask him if he really was the Lord, for we were quite sure of it. 13 Then Jesus went around serving us the bread and fish 14 This was the third time Jesus had appeared to us since his return from the dead. 15 After breakfast Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than others?" "Yes," Peter replied. "you know I am your friend". "Then feed my lambs," Jesus told him. 16 Jesus repeated the same question "Simon, son of John, do you really love me?" "Yes Lord," Peter said, "you know I am your friend" "Then take care of my sheep" Jesu said.

Reading the whole chapter gives a clear background of Jesus' invitation to breakfast. Jesus tells the fishermen, “Bring me some of the fish you caught.”  The six disciples just spent all night catching nothing until Jesus provided them the miraculous catch. Then, Jesus tells the disciples to bring their fish to him.

This is how Jesus engages with humanity. He wants us to bring him our fish, our gifts, our time, and our faith...think of anything you can give back to Jesus. In reality, all of our gifts belong to Christ, and he asks us to bring them to him. When we do, he will take them, bless them, break them, and give them back; we are having breakfast with Jesus! Simple.

 If you did this in the past, present and will in future, you had breakfast with Jesus, you are having breakfast with Jesus and you will continue to have breakfast with Jesus! One more thing you need to know, want to have breakfast with Jesus? You will need to bring your “own” fish! 

Have you made a decision you will always have breakfast with Jesus? Don't miss any opportunity to have breakfast with Jesus for ANYTHING in this world. Get at it now, will you?...Thank You

Warm Regards

HIS daughter

John 1:12


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Paul's Letter...The Summary

 Hello Friends,

Today, let's look  into Paul's letter to the Philippians. He wrote the letter as recorded in Philippians Chapter 4 Verse 1 to 20 to thank the Philippians for the gift they had sent him and to strengthen them by showing them that true joy comes from Jesus Christ Alone. Paul was in a Roman prison at the time he wrote the letter.

PHILIPPIANS 4:1-20 (please read the whole letter when you can)

Focusing on verse 4-8

4 Always be FULL of joy in the Lord; I say it again, rejoice!   5 Let EVERYONE see that you are unselfish and considerate in all you do. Remember that the Lord is coming soon.   6 Don't  worry about ANYTHING; instead, pray about EVERYTHING; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank him for his answers.   7 If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep  your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.   8 And now brothers, as I close this letter, let me say this one more thing: fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about.

Paul in Roman prison writing a letter to the Philippians
 photo credit:

Back to verse 7. I can relate this verse to a Mom saying to her child, child if you do this, you would get this and that from Dad and Mom! 

This has given room to think about the attributes of the Lord's commands or word's commands  as warning to those who hear them and great reward for those who obey them.  In verse 8 ,Paul challenged the Philippians to refine their thinking; to think about the pure ways of Christ. I sense you are thinking about how to counter the bombardment of unholy ideas and images that could slip into our minds each day as a result of the world we live in today! It takes our conscious effort and the help of GOD! 

Focus your thoughts on the pure ways of Christ by reading the bible, memorizing scriptures, carefully choose what you watch, read and listen to …etc. If you think it is difficult, I have a question,(now this applies to the people who truly follow instructions).   

Here is the question- how are you able to consciously take precautions during this pandemic? When you go out you wear your mask, follow social distancing, you don't go to parties even when you wish you could, never forget to use hand sanitizer to mention a few. All these require conscious and extra effort! All actions as described above was bore out of your thoughts of how try as much as you can to  prevent catching the bug. You can as well with keeping your thoughts fixed on what is true, good and right consciously by yourself and with God's Help . Think about it. 

Warm Regards,

HIS daughter

John 1:12

Friday, January 15, 2021

Unfollow to Follow...


At the calm of the night, I picked up my phone to do a few catch up with social media. The first photo I saw on my Instagram feed posed a question “Do you know this person? I hit the following button and I began to unfollow people I thought I really do not need to be following. It immediately triggered another question, what are the things you need to unfollow in your walk with GOD? unfollow a friend to follow GOD, it is worth it! Unfollow the world to follow Jesus...thumbs up! Pride? Doubt? The list is endless.

Make your unfollow list today, identify at least one in all aspects of your life…spiritual, physical, Health, mental, emotional, financial, romance, family, business/career, social. ask for help from the Holy Spirit. All the best as you “Unfollow” to Follow Jesus. If you’d like to share your top two on your unfollow list item, please drop in the comment box.

Thank You

Warm Regards

HIS Daughter

John 1:12

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

After all the's over

Hello Friends,

It's been a family tradition for years to exchange gifts on Christmas day. 2020, While I prepared for the Gift Exchange, I searched for inexpensive and useful gifts when I stumbled upon  Eternal Light Co. , a Christian brand that provides products, services, and an experience that brings glory to GOD.

Fast forward, I ordered 7 tees from their store with lovely faith phrases and didn't unsubscribe from their mailing list. On December 26, 2020 I received an email from the owner of the store. Many on their mailing list definitely would have received it too. Read email below. Think about it and take actions.

Hello ,

This email was not on my schedule, and it's unplanned and unpolished. I'm literally spilling out my personal thoughts as I'm sitting here finishing off a cup of hot chocolate in our living room. (By the way, it looks like a tornado came through here from all the Christmas celebration)

As you probably know, we have a 7 month old girl named Presley which is our first baby, and this is her first Christmas. We spent so much time making sure it would go "perfect". You know... kind of like the picture they paint on those hallmark movies.

 So much time picking out the perfect gifts, decorating the house, planning out the food, wrapping presents, capturing the perfect pictures, scheduling all the family stops..... ehhh it's just stressful thinking about all of it.

 And it's all over within just a few hours.  I got to think about all the things in life we spend so much time preparing for, and it's over just like that.

 I know that this is a subject that is shied away from, but there is one thing in life that we prepare for that isn't like that, and that is where we are going to spend eternity. And there is only two options and that is Heaven and Hell.

 I'm not sending this email to preach at anyone, because I have so many areas in my life that need improvements. This was really just a personal thought and reminder that I decided to share.

 I just want you to remind you that how we live our life and prepare matters. We aren't preparing for something that is going to be over in just a few hours, we are preparing for eternity.

 We will never regret living for Jesus.

 I appreciate you,

Trent Fikes

Owner - Eternal Light Co.


Eternal Light Co. community is dedicated to spreading God's light and every order helps them do that. If you would like to be a part of God's work through them, please visit their website to place an order. There are loads of cute things inscribed with the word of GOD. Read the word, hear the word, wear it!

Thank You

Warm Regards

HIS Daughter 

John 1:12

Welcome to Word Rekindled Blog


Hello Friends,

Welcome to Word Rekindled Blog.

Gospel-centered and Christ- focused content to feed souls from unbelief to belief in Father GOD.

unbelief: absence of faith

Here you will find  a variety of posts that will help you know your faith, grow in your faith and have a solid root in GOD. This would range from simple conversations, bible illustrations and overviews that will  ignite your faith, to views of the authors of the books of the BIBLE. 

The mission is to help you know the Lord more deeply in order to experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. Now, impact and impart come to play!'d be creating a positive impact on others and imparting GOD on someone or many by sharing...

Thank You

Warm Regards,

HIS Daughter.

John 1:12



 Values ALL Human Life... A TRUE hero for GOD values ALL human Life. It took only two generations of human existence for the first murder to...